Delusional villains are characterized by or holding beliefs or impressions that they are good people regardless of their acts.
Delusional villains are similar to Vigilantes, Extremists, Anti-Villains and Grey Zone Villains, and in some cases even overlap with them. However, the main difference is that these villains have lied to themselves into believing that their acts are righteous, even if the causes they are pushing are nothing close to noble from the perspective to anyone but themselves.
These villains also believe that whoever disagrees with or opposes them is a bad person. Therefore, many of them are very paranoid and pay little to no attention to the opinions of others. These villains are often greedy or hypocritical, but cannot even see it. Worse, some of them tend to blame other people for the destruction they cause (especially those who oppose them) while, in reality, it was their fault The scope of these villains' delusion can range from being a relatively minor trait (usually just simply believing they are doing good and not fanatical about it) to dangerously extreme to the point of mental illness (such as villains who are extremely outspoken that what they are doing is right and there is absolutely no chance to convince them otherwise).
Delusional villains can also be nihilists who do not believe in good or evil, thereby justifying their own heinous actions with their twisted logic. the same thing with Misanthropes, who think humanity itself, whether an individual is truly innocent or not, is evil and should be punished. Social Darwinists can use their twisted philosophy to justify oppression of the weak instead of helping them. There are also robots/artificially intelligent beings who are much more commonly known to be delusional and misanthropic towards human life as they view them as "irredeemable" and "flawed", and see their acts as noble goals by enslaving them or wiping them out. In fact, even omnicidal maniacs can be delusional if they genuinely believe it’s the right thing to do.
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