The Four Hounds are major antagonists in Fire Emblem Engage. They are servants to their master the Fell Dragon Lord Sombron and his daughter Veyle. This group consists of four members, Zephia, Griss, Marni and Mauvier.
What makes Them sympathetic?[]
- Each member of the Four Hounds all have some tragic backstory with each of them.
- Zephia destroyed her own home town and swear her loyalty to Sombron in hope that he will fall in love with her and given her a child of her own. But that would ultimately never come to be.
- Griss was presumably abandoned by his parents at a young age. He would remain an orphan up until he met with Zephia and join her. He couldn’t even remember what his parents faces look like. And see Zephia as more of a mother or an older sister.
- Marni never receive any sort of love from her mother. Being the only girl in the family, her mother doesn’t see any value in Marni. Her mother went to a church worshiping Sombron and abandoned Marni there. It’s was there that Marni did receive more love then her own mother ever could. She alongside Mauvier would meet both Zephia and Griss and soon join them.
- Mauvier was a child of a wealthy family. His father would died due to illness. Leading to both Mauvier and his mother to move to Firene as a result. Both of them would worship the Fell Dragon due to Mauvier's father death. Mauvier's mother would soon die as well. Mauvier would found himself in a church in Elusia where he met Marni and the rest of the hounds. And thus The Four Hounds were form.
- They would still as a group up until in Chapter 21 The Return. Marni would attempt to free Veyle under mind control under of an enchanted helmet. But this ultimately failed cause Zephia to stab Marni with a dagger killing her. The death of Marni would enrage Mauvier to turn on the Four Hounds and join with Alear.
- After Sombron is revived and Gradlon is restored Sombron attend on to leave Elyos and return to his own world. Leaving both Zephia and Griss behind to defend themselves. Their last command by Sombron is to defend one of the crystal shards from Alear army. Thus leaving both of them to die.
- Before both of them pass on Zephia and Griss share their last moment together. Zephia tell Griss that she never really did love Sombron. She only did because she thought he you bring her a child for Zephia. And when she called The Four Hounds as family she really did mean it. Upon hearing this Griss did like the idea of The Four Hounds being a family. To Griss he see the hounds as more of his family then his own. And see Zephia as more of a mother to him then his own. After hearing this Zephia came to realize that the family she was seeking for was staring in front of her face along. So both Zephia and Griss would soon die in peace with both of touching as others hands upon death.
External Links[]
- The Four Hounds on the Fire Emblem Wiki
- The Four Hounds on the Villain Wiki
- The Four Hounds on the Antagonists Wiki